Seniors Scratch Knock-Out Rules & Conditions
1. Open to all male members of the L&RGU who have attained the age of 55 on or before the closing date in the current year of the tournament.
2. Entry to the tournament shall be as follows,
a. All entries shall be on official entry form or by online entry
b. Entries together with the entry fee must be in the possession of the L&RGU Hon. Match Secretary by the closing date.
c. Entry will be limited to 32 if oversubscribed the lowest 32 exact handicaps at the close of entry will enter the draw.
3. Each round of the Tournament shall be played by the date directed by the Leicestershire & Rutland Golf Union. In the event of a match not being played both players will be disqualified.
It is the joint responsibility of both players in each round of the draw to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time to play the match. It must also be acceptable to the host club, who shall grant courtesy of the course for the purpose of the match.
4. All matches shall commence from the first tee, the honour shall be determined by the draw (Rules of Golf 10-1a) top of draw shall tee off first. Play shall be off the tee of the longest measured course available. The "teeing ground" is the starting place for the hole to be played. It is a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth, the front and the sides of which are defined by the outside limits of two tee-markers. A ball is outside the teeing ground when all of it lies outside the teeing ground.
5. The handicap limit shall be 9 (Must be a competition handicap as defined by CONGU)
6. Matches shall be scratch match play.
7. Each match shall be played on the course of the player at the top of the draw.
8. Each round will be decided over a stipulated 18 holes. The Semi Finals will be played on a neutral course as directed by the Leicestershire & Rutland Golf Union. The Final will be played in the afternoon session of the Inter Club Mens and Pro-Am Foursomes Finals. Players MUST be available to play on this date as the Final date will not be changed.
9. In the event of a tie, the match shall be resolved by sudden death. The extra holes are a continuation of the stipulated round.
10. The winner shall communicate the result of each round within 48 hours of it being known to the Hon. Match Secretary. An up to date list of results will be published on the L&RGU website.
11. By entering this tournament, you agree to The Leicestershire & Rutland Golf Union General Rules and Tournament Conditions.
Updated 31st January 2018