About LRGU

The Management of the Union is vested in a Council consisting of the Officers, namely, the President, the President Elect, the Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents, Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Match Secretary, Second Team Captain, Juniors' Organiser, Seniors' Organiser and Handicaps Advisor who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and in addition thereto one representative from each of the Member Clubs of the Union, to be nominated by the Clubs before the Annual General Meeting.

The objectives for which the Union is formed are as follows: 

(a) To act as a central authority for determining all questions which may arise concerning golf within the radius of the County Union, and to use the powers delegated to it by the English Golf Union in matters of Handicapping and Discipline.
(b) With a view to a general uniformity of handicaps, to agree the Standard Scratch Score of the course of each affiliated Club in accordance with the S.S.S. and Handicapping Scheme for the time being in force as instituted and directed by the English Golf Union.
(c) To organise the County Championship, County Union Foursome and other Competitions approved by the Council.
(d) To arrange matches with other Counties.
(e) To provide satisfactory liaison between the affiliated Clubs and the English Golf Union and other governing bodies.
(f) To maintain a loyal regard for and adherence to the Rules of Golf as promulgated from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
(g) To promote in every way the interests of the game of Golf in all its phases within the radius of the County Union, and to act in conjunction with other County Golf Unions in all matters affecting the game.

Resouces from the 'About Us' Section

Resouces from the 'About Us' Section
Officers & Officials Member Clubs Club Delegates
Past Officers
County Card Scheme Centenary 2010 Appearance Records