2023 County Men's Winter Training Series.
To prepare for the coming season the County Men's 1st Team Captain John Fairbrother & 2nd Team Captain Tom Roberts are running a training series that is open to any L&RGU affiliated club member to enter with a WHS handicap index of 9.0 or below.
The series will involve 3 (non qualifying) training events as detailed at the bottom of this page. The format will be an 18 hole scratch medal with a slight twist "The Captains Challange" where one of the par 4 hole's will be played from the Red (or equlievent tee) making it a driveable hole!
Any player who reaches the green on the challange hole, as verified on the score card with your playing partners, will be entered into a draw at the end of the series with the chance to win a £25 voucher. If you manage to achieve this in more than one event then you will be increasing your chances in the draw.
The cost to enter the series will be £15 for each event.
Event 3 - Results Sheet and Prize Winners. .
Event 2 - Results Sheet and Prize Winners. .
Event 1 - Results Sheet and Prize Winners. .
Men's Winter Training Series OoM Winners.
Prize Vouchers will be awarded based on the level of entries:
- at each event there will be prizes for best Gross scores along with a nett prize up for grabs.
- a Gross series OOM with prize/s awarded based upon your best 2 aggregrate scores.
Entries are limited for each event and if we are oversubscribed a ballot based on handicap index will be applied with a refund made to any players who had paid the entry fee and are balloted out. Note both Mens County Captains elect will automatically be eligible to play in all the events.
Entries received, Tee times and results will all be published on this page.
We look forward to seeing you at the events
John and Tom L&RGU 1st & 2nd team Men's Captains elect
To enter the series please complete the form below and send your payment to L&RGU, Account 50240796, Sort Code 20-52-69, Payment ref 23WTS plus your first name initial and the first 3 letters of your surname. Entries not supported by a payment may be excluded from the draw sheet.
Link to 2022 training series page and results .